13 December 2011

Busy Days

I'm sorry that I have not posted on my blog for a little while. I guess it is just that silly time of year when I feel like a duck on a string. There I am in the middle of the pond, little webbed feet going a hundred to the dozen under the water, but going nowhere because the string tied to my tail's holding me in one spot!

I've been working hard on my studies, and did well with my first essay for my unit on the history of healing. This subject is making me feel inspired again, and that is a welcome feeling! I'd begun to think I had lost my mojo where inspiration was concerned, so it is nice to have that feeling back again. It gives me something to look forward to. Perhaps Natural Therapies is my true passion after all! To think, it took getting a bunch of chickens to make me realise that! Well, perhaps the chickens weren't the only reason, but they certainly started the ball rolling. Then, going to the "Real Food Festival" a few months ago, seeing what is available, watching videos about food and health and healing and listening to some very informed discussion of same increased the momentum. I'm beginning to see a hazy picture of how this could all fit together in the future and it is very exciting. I don't want to talk too much about it yet, though as I need to give more thought to it all before I can do that.

Life around the henhouse is quite hectic too just now as I am hensitting 8 hens that belong to an online friend while she is away overseas for Christmas. Again, a piece of the puzzle that has fallen into place quite by serendipity! The hens are no trouble at all to care for and are the most pleasant of house-guests and pay their dues every day in eggs! Soooo many eggs!

The past few days were a pleasant break from study as my daughter, Hannah came to visit and we did the tourist thing yesterday. We took a day trip to a local chocolate factory where they had the most amazing creations in chocolate!

Chocolate Shoes at Panny's Chocolate Factory, Yandina-Sunshine Coast

Chocolate Shoes at Panny's Chocolate Factory. Yandina, Sunshine Coast

Chocolate House Panny's Chocolate Factory. Yandina, Sunshine Coast.

Chocolate Christmas Trees: Panny's Chocolate Factory. Yandina, Sunshine Coast

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