24 January 2012

Another Wet January

Queensland is currently experiencing a high rainfall and there has been some small pockets of flash flooding already. Naturally, this is conjuring up some painful memories for some people as they recall the devastating floods that hit the state laste January, especially for people in the Granite Belt areas. We're hoping and praying that it will not get as bad as it did last year, but it is still fairly worrying and stressful for some people.

The above two photos are of our back yard which is usually speckled with happily scratching hens and chicks, but not today or yesterday. The chooks are all shut in as we have heavy, soaking rain falling nonstop at present. A few minutes before taking these, I had splashed my way up to the coops through water that is pooling in the grass, almost as high as the instep of my foot!

The Hensingtons are not happy with the enforced lockdown, but I am unwilling to let them out to get soaked through.  Fortunately our land is a gentle slope with the chicken coops on high ground so the birds are keeping high and dry. Their main problem is really boredom and I will have to think of some ways to alleviate that. I did scatter a small amount of feed on the floor in their pens when I went up and that will give them something to forage for, but I might need to look into making some toys for them to jump and peck at. I've read that hanging old Compact Discs from the roof can give the chooks something to think about, and I am thinking of putting some cat food inside a treat ball or two for them.

Something like this might be a good investment...

Image: Chicken Treat Hanger from Shop The Coop

In the meantime, I hope all my poultry keeping friends in Queensland, and anywhere else are staying dry and safe and let's all hope this wet spell blows over soon without creating the havoc it did last year.

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