Chicken Medicine Cabinet

Deutsch: Echte Aloe (Aloe vera)
Image via Wikipedia
A list of things I keep on hand in my "Chicken Medicine Cabinet"
Please note: None of the remedies listed below is intended to replace the good practical advice of a qualified Veterinarian. They are things which I have used with varying degrees of success and are not intended to be construed as "cure-alls" Please consult your Vet if your animal is unwell and fails to show improvement within a reasonable time-frame.

  • Naturopathic Remedies

Tissue Salts: Combination 12
Combination 12 tissue salts assist in the temporary relief of overall fatigue and exhaustion.

  • Homeopathic Remedies

Rescue Remedy
A Bach Flower Remedy which assists in the alleviation of stress and anxiety.
Colloidal Silver
For cleaning wounds and as a tonic given by mouth, one to two drops once a week for chickens with symptoms of respiratory infections. 

  • Herbal and Organic Remedies
Oregano or Oregano Extract
Indicated in the treatment of and systemic support for:  Fungus infections and yeast infections caused by Candida albicans intestinal yeast overgrowth (Candidiasis). Also indicated and used in poultry feeds as a coccidiostat and antimicrobial.

Olive Leaf Extract
Traditionally used for the relief of coughs, colds, flu, sore throats and to help reduce fevers. 

Garlic Oil/Lookoli
A general tonic for good health and condition, promotes glossy feathers, has some antimicrobial properties. Garlic is an anti-coagulant and must NOT be used in cases of Coccidiosis or if internal bleeding is suspected.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties and is well known for its soothing effect on skin rashes, burns, stings, cuts and bruises. It is used topically to soothe chronic skin conditions including eczema and psoriasis. Aloe also acts as an antimicrobial and immune stimulant, and helps to repair skin tissue damage, thereby helping to heal skin wounds.
Read more: What Is Aloe Vera Used for? |

Molasses (Black Strap preferrably)
Indicated in the treatment of coughs. Has anti-inflammatory properties and may be of use for relief of arthtitic symptoms and the joint pain associated with influenza type viruses.
Molasses is considered a good support for the pancreas and lungs.

Nutritients in Molasses include: Calcium, Chromium, Iron, Para-aminobenzoic acid, Potassium, Selenium.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)  raw, unfiltered or 'with the mother'
I use ACV to keep algae from growing in water dispensers and as a general health tonic.
Unfiltered ACV is considered to be beneficial to both human and animal health due to its high content of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It is claimed that ACV helps to lower pH levels in the gut which makes for a hostile environment for harmful pathogens. Amongst other health claims attributed to ACV is that it is a blood purifier and assists in the elimination of mucous from the body.
Due to its high acidity, ACV is often used as a 'water sweetener' to prevent algal bloom in drinking supplies for livestock.

Live Meal Worms
A quick source of protein for a sickly bird. Most chickens find them irresistable and will eat them when they won't touch anything else. Meal worms can be bought from pet stores or aquarium supply stores or better yet, they are easy to breed at home!

  • Special Diets/Recipes for Sick birds
Electrolytes – Home made
1 cup water
* 2 tsp sugar
* 1/8 tsp salt
* 1/8 tsp baking soda
* (this formula gives needed electrolytes & some sugar for energy)
SOURCE: Backyard

Ricketts Diet
Rickets diet consists of

2 to 4 tablespoons of rolled oats or Rice Baby Cereal (easily digested)
2 tablespoons of natural yoghurt, NOT THE ONE WITH FRUIT OR SUGAR IN IT, very important.. find the one with the active bacillus
2 tablespoons of GRATED not chopped, apple and carrot
1 small teaspoon of honey
1 boild egg yolk.. not the white.. only the yolk

If you have multi vitamin powder.. put a few grains into the mix... not grams .. grains.. this is about 5 to 8 grains.. a little goes a long way

Make this into a crumbly mixture..not wet and soggy.. the bird must still be able to eat it by picking it up in her beak

Feed for 3 days up to 3 weeks.. depending on the birds progress..

Most birds take around 7 to 9 days on this diet to get back to normal.
Source: Bakcyard

Maggie's Warm Mash
Combine equal amounts of rolled oats and or rice with
Grated vegetables, such as carrot, cabbage, sweet potato and cook in a little water until quite soft, able to be mashed with a spoon. Strain water out of mix and add 1 tablespoon of black strap Molasses, one raw clove of garlic (minced) or a spoonful of garlic oil (lookoli). One teaspoon of ground oregano or 1teaspoon of Oregano Extract. If the mix is too wet, you can add more raw oatmeal to it, or some baby rice cereal until you have a crumbly mixture. You can also add vitamin powder to this as for the ricketts diet, or crumble a hard boiled egg yolk into it. This is my variation of the Ricketts Diet.